




Sponteneous Birthday way to Celebrate 30yo !

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Happy 30th birthday to me !!

9 September 2017 lalu adalah ulang tahunku,, yang kemudian dengan rutinnya aku pasti akan berkunjung ke rumah orang tua ku untuk sekedar melihat mereka dan tersadar begitu bersyukurnya aku masih bisa melihat mereka tersenyum menyambut kehadiranku.

Aku coba yah  memperkenalkan anggota keluarga ku di beberapa foto berikut.

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Attar (Keponakanku dari abang ku )

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Ibu ku tersayang…

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Abangku (Mas Wit ) & Mba Isti

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Ulang tahun bagiku bukan lah soal kado atau traktir mentraktir, tapi soal doa yang dipanjatkan oleh orang tua untuk kita dan bagaimana keluarga bisa saling bersilahturahmi. Ciri khas suap suapan juga jadi momen dimana mata dan mata saling kontak dan batin bersyukur.

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Setelah kumpul dengan keluarga, Bangrif dan saya beranjak ke Pasar Festival to spent the night together to Supercup Coffee Shop. Lokasi di Plaza Festival, Lantai Lower Ground, Jl. HR Rasuna Said, Kuningan, Jakarta. Tempat ini buka 24 jam, dan baru tau juga kalau tempat ini menyediakan menu yang gak lain adalah menu dari DIMSUM Inc.

Tau kan kalian dimsum inc  yang ada di mana-mana itu lho hehehe.. Nah disini menu makanan dan minumannya sama lho.

Favorit kita untuk makananannya adalah, Chicken Porridge dan gak lupa makannya dikasih sambal bebek khas nya Dimsum Inc 🙂

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Ice Capuccinno

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Karena ulang tahunku jatuh di hari sabtu, jadi kita memutuskan untuk staycation di Hotel Artotel Jakarta, Lokasinya di Jl. Sunda No 3, Thamrin, Menteng, 10350 Jakarta, Indonesia. Jl. Sunda No 3, Never did this before, but there’s always first time for crazy thing right hihi J . Langsung aja deh aku telfon pagi itu untuk reservasi dan beruntung masih ada available room untuk kita.

Nah aku mau share nih ke kalian, kalau kalian reservation by phone ada beberapa complimentary yang bisa kalian dapat selain breakfast for two, Yaitu ; Dinner for two people, Massage service one hour for 1 person and 2 voucher cocktail or mocktail for two people.

Tentunya kita pilih dinner untuk 2 orang sebagai pilihan hihi , secara kita berdua suka makan.. 🙂

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Kita disambut hangat oleh Lobby Greeter hotel, dan mata ini dimanjakan oleh segala interior unik sampai wallpaper dan atap penuh dengan lukisan artistic. Rasa – rasanya ingin foto di setiap sudut ruangan yang ada disini hahaha..

Bagi kalian yang suka foto – foto, coba kesini deh. Jangan lupa bawa kamera kalian yah..

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Kenapa kita pilih hotel ini ? karena sudah pasti aku cek – cek dulu website mereka, dan aku lihat mereka punya banyak promo event setiap malam nya, dengan harga yang mereka tawarkan dan apa yang kita dapat, itu worthied banget !! Hotel ini strategis sekali, karena dekat jalan utama Thamrin dan dekat kalau mau sekedar ke Mall ada Sarinah, Grand Indonesia.

Kebetulan setelah check in adalah jam waktu makan siang, kami melipir jalan kaki ke sebelah gedung ternyata ada Bakmi GM. Gak pikir panjang si kalau udah urusannya perut hehe..

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Sore hari itu enaknya cari tempat nongkrong kan ya ? nah, aku pilih untuk kembali ke hotel dan coba naik ke lantai 7 karena  ada open air Rooftop Bar disana, namanya BART.., oyah untuk naik lift kalian akan butuh kartu untuk akses. Kalau kalian memang menginap di hotel ini gak akan jadi masalah, tapi buat kalian yang hanya mau dinner aja di rooftop, kalian bisa minta antar kan staff di lobi yah.

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Suasana teduh dan lantunan musik lounge sebagai backsound BART seperti memanjakan sore ku waktu itu, belum ada tamu yang datang karena kami datang jam 5 sore.. pas jam waktu buka tempat ini. Jadi bisa bebas deh untuk foto-foto tanpa harus nahan malu, dan view nya pun begitu sayang untuk dilewatkan.

Kursi yang terbuat dari rotan dengan corak warna hitam putih ini, sengaja diberikan bantalan yang nyaman sekali untuk duduk dan chill dengan kawan-kawan atau dengan pasanganmu loh. Space yang besar dan nyaman, juga posisi hotel yang strategis ditengah kota, membuat view gedung-gedung menjadi menarik di waktu menjelang turunnya matahari.

Di waktu ini lah saya dan Bangrif merasa seperti balik pacaran lagi hahaha..

Kadang memang bukan karena tempatnya juga, tapi karena kita lah yang menciptakan momen itu menjadi momen berharga dan intimate.

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Menikmati complimentary dinner dari hotel gak ada salah nya kan ya hihi,, pada dasarnya dinner disini adalah buffet. Tapi untuk complimentary, kita bisa pilih dari Ala Carte Menu kecuali menu Steak. To be honest all the price start around 60thou for maincourse.. dan Bangrif pesan Nasi Goreng Kambing, aku pesan Fish and Chip with lemon butter sauce and mashed potato.

 I think,, its worthied to stay here and surprisingly you’ll  got these kind of complimentary when you did reservations by phone. 🙂 happy try !

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Sisa malam aku nikmati berdua dengan Bangrif pergi ke Consulate Resto di Jl. KH Wahid Hasyim No. 49 – 51, Menteng, Jakarta. Karena letak hotel strategis, jadi kami putuskan untuk berjalan kaki menikmati keramaian malam kota Jakarta. Tidak sampai 10 menit kami sampai dan bersyukur masih bisa tertawa dan menikmati kekonyolan berdua.

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Morning Time

Alarm sudah menunjukan pukul 8 pagi, kami pun beranjak menikmati buffet breakfast yang tersedia di restaurant Rocca di lobby. Yang menarik perhatian saya adalah, mereka menyediakan JAMU !!! .. tolong ya ini pertama kali nya saya lihat hotel yang turut mendukung produk Indonesia.

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Bangga nya bisa melihat beberapa pilihan jamu tersedia di hotel ini ,diatur dengan apiknya di keranjang khas dan alas Batik cantik yang menghiasi meja. 🙂


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Ingat kan di awal aku bilang kalau hotel ini sangat memperhatikan interior detail setiap sudutnya? Nah ini terbukti dari smoking area yang mereka miliki, lorong ini dibuat untuk orang yang ingin menikmati kopi dan makanan sambil tersedia juga plug disetiap bangku yang disediakan. Penataan warna bantal, Wallpaper unik, Tanaman dan juga variasi tanaman disekitar menjadikan area ini teduh dan nyaman untuk disinggahi.


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Kalian bebas deh kalo gitu, ambil spot pilihan untuk bikin foto juara trus  di post di instagram dech hihi 🙂

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Thanks for reading yah !

Where i got a good good place for breakfasting ?MIDEAST BUFFET (meeteats) !

Ramadhan is a blessing month for all people and its a perfect time to gathered and reunited with old friends, families, beloved one and working partner to have such a pleasant breakfasting together….

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A lot of people try to seek interesting places that offer nice deal of Ramadhan Menu Package or Special Buffet. On the 2nd day of Ramadhan,, But hey,,Here ive tried Buffet at Shisha Cafe Kemang..


Here goes the photos and a bit review of it… enjoy guys… 🙂

When you entering Shisha Cafe,, you’ll be welcoming by live music of Arabic Instrument right before you enter the Resto Area inside….

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Mideast athmosphere are feel so good.. your eyes will satisfy of how they organized everything just in a right place and spot. The light arrangment and the vibe are pampering you enough… The main area which is in the middle are the buffet area. Because is fulled of customers,, i cant took a picts as much as i loved so sorry !!!! 😥 .. but later if i come,,ill make sure to took a pict more of it 😉

The buffet priced Rp 195.000++ ..,,and with that price ‘you can eat all kind of food from appetizer till yummy dessert..i felt like i can’t eat those all only in one day lool.. they’re open buffet from 18.00 – 21.00..from Indonesian food like somay, soto ayam, drinks like es kelapa, es buah, tea..’ Spaghetti, garlic bread, Pizza, kofta beef, Shawarma, Maraq soup, mandi rice, hummus, pitta bread, salad, and many other food that im sure 3 hours are more than enough hahaha……

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Mideast food area is in the middle..

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Amazing Kofta ive ever tried…

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They’re ready to serve you warm Shawarma based on your request..

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Above are Indonesian Food

And what i loved the most is the Dessert of course !!… They have Burmeh, Brownies, Maryam bread, .. and lot of lotsss of Puddings.. from strawberry, perfect tasted of klapertart and many moreeeeee… At least you need to come and try yourself once in a month guys!!!

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Any kind of Tea are served…

All of the waiters and waitress are so friendly and standby anytime you need anything..they’re ready to assist you. The priced are so worthied !! Nice ambience and perfect meals ?? You cant ask for more…hahaha.. satisfy your eyes and stomach at the same time is a very nice deal !! Thanks Shisha Cafe… 🙂

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Tanoura Dance is live every Friday and Saturday.. He start to dance at 10pm

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He will asked random customers to dance along with him, so customers will be able to experienced their self …dance the amazing Tanoura…

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Last but not least,, after you done your meal. You can order shisha for additional pleasure… Have laugh with your friends.. and have such memorable moments …

For Shisha Flavours ?? so far i knew,, this place are provide the complete and best flavours for shisha. You can try and have a good service from the waiters or waitress if you have problem during shisha-ing. My favorite flavors so far till now if i may recommended you  ; Freshness Ice!!! try it on !!!

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So these are a bit clue so you can have options of where you guys want to chill and have awesome breakfasting together with your family and friends.. ill write more on my next blog 😉 hope you enjoyed and get inspired …

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Thank you for reading and Ramadhan Kareem friends ….

Yogyakarta HoneyMoon time!

After my marriege…26th March 2016, BangRif and I had a planed already to visit my grandmother in Yogyakarta because she’s not able to come on my wedding day since she is too old now and her health not supported, and i miss her so baddddd! hahaha.. so i make this as also our honeymoon time 😉 well even its only shortvacation but its wothied..


So the Honeymoon is begin…..


Bye Jakarta for a while…
He got sleepy ^^


For sure we loved BATIK AIR at that time, because its not that expensive and pretty much complete entertainment inside it..


We just arrived  at Adi Sucipto …
My Family’s fav tongseng and gulai !! took place in front of Quality Yogya Hotel


This is my always lovely moment,, guys if you still have your grandma or grandpa alive,, dont you ever forget to visit them once in a while. Because your voice and your hug are meant a lot to them, and their prayer for you is strongly make your dream come true. This is my super Grandma from my Mother, she is why i now understand who am i look like… from all of my cousins, aunty, etc .. they’re all worked in the office but i’m different ( well at least i believe i’m different), im more into art and business because i believe that in the near future i should have a business that feed many people and inspired others. My Grandma is a  hardworking lady and have traditional wedding boutique (her boutique is the only traditional wedding boutique in the past, where there’s no boutique at all at that time) i feel so shy sometimes, why i dont realized it before that to have a boutique isnt that easy and how proud i am to know it now that i have an amazing GRANDMA !! She is the truly role model after my MOM. Everytime i looked at her, i always promise to myself that i will make my dreams come true which is to have my own boutique and company who hired women as professional worker and make her proud.

What i never forget is that, my grandma is a strongly independent lady.. She can do anything by herself!! UNTIL NOW!! ahahaha.. i envy her much 🙂 i loved her!

im inside my grandma’s boutique


Yogya without visited Malioboro is NOTHING! hahaha


BangRif and I have the same feelings to SHISHA,, WE LOVED IT!


This BABYLON cafe shisha is a comfy place for us to chill. YOGYA had a hard raining day everyday so we’ve not much roaming around, we prefer to pick some cool spot to sit and chat around. I recomended you all to visit this place…,, BABYLON is a mideast cafe but mostly the target market is youngster..This place is pretty much great to sit and have dinner time. they played out top 40 music and good shisha as well! they have many wood chairs and special ‘LESEHAN’ which we choosed to sat down there ^^,, trust me.. you will sit a hundred hours here hahahaha…


We’re so Black & Blue
BABYLON CAFE & RESTO : 02744535329,
Time to go back to Jakarta!!



Hope you guys got some cool recomendation and good reading 🙂

HOT Recomendation for your HAIR!


A very comfy couch and girly atmosphere to seat and chill while waiting for your turn


They also sell few cute products for your hair 😉

If you got your hair colored, then this product might help you.This powder are helping to prevent the oil coming too fast to your hair. Because the more you have your hair washed , your hair became too dry and weak. But i got a better recipe from Mas Gun which is have your self some olive oil and put it thru your hair a night before you got your hair washed, then your hair will keep healthy and beautiful. This is i think a true cheapest recipe but best solution ever!! 


This is special seat for customer who like to have their Pedicure and Manicure done!
They just only have 1 seat for hairwashed

I loved the atmosphere which so comfy and you got spoiled with pink couches and the stawberry parfume room they got. The pillow and updated magazine are pampering you much! … They also served MENU so you can order some Food&Beverage. For sure, at that time there are not much people inside.. But all customers are came to get a haircolor done, and they really have some appoinment before. Mas Gunawan are very nice and kind, he say hi to me and said that im very lucky.. Because usually it tooks a month to have turn. But he got not much hard job to do with his guest so can handle 1 more guest. Its only 6 seat for guests and 5 couch. A special place for menicure & pedicure also 1 haircleaning seat. I recomend you guys to no be in hurry if you are doing a hair color, coz it’ll tooks morning till afternoon time (depend on your hair condition).


Mas Gunawan explained very clear information and knowledge as well at the begining, he choosed the color and explained why…. I want it lavender or turquois actually but it should go thru long bleaching process (4 or 5 times).. Im affraid that it’ll break my hairs apart. So he choosed Pink .. The type of the color i’ll have is “PEEK A BOO” means the color is seems hidden underneath your top hair color.. (Foto cat rambut pink) he explained that the color will last for more or less 6 months ahead and it’ll slowly downgrade to bright pink and blonde even brighter than bleaching color.,, so after 6 months the next color that perfect would be lavender and next 6months is turquois., and i can applied that lavender color directly to my hair without bleaching no more because its already bright from previous color hahahaha.. 😀 now i got that!!!
Look at these Colors are amazing!!!

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What i like about this place is that, they also educated customers by providing a MENU which explained few terms of hair coloring. So the customer will clearly understand what they really want 🙂 i just knew my self about these term as well..L-O-L


Recomendation for hair samples
Menu and Price
The hair before coloring…….


Dont worry guys they provide you charging plot on your table…
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I got 2 times bleaching process whoop…whooppp!!
I only went thru 2 times bleaching process.. (He said the worst case is 3times)..
I got blonde already and they put a pink magenta color straight to my hair. Each process of bleaching it tooks 1hour , while waiting no need to worries because you definetly entertained by their music, they played updated songs on the playlist!!! ^^
The Color ‘Cerise’ is on process….
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Here are the MENU for your tummy…
Nasi Lemak for my lunch
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Ramen level 3 for my afternoon meal
Surprised by the melted cheese inside thise Ramen….


YEAY!!! i got my PEEK A BOO ‘Ceries’ Hair now…


Here is the Website of BloBar :


  • Phone: 02178820016
  • E-mail:
  • LINE: @blobar


  • The Broadway Kemang
  • Jl. Benda No. 46F Unit C
  • Jakarta, Indonesia


At the end of the week,… we will reach some Golden Moment for working office people like moi!! Which means, you have rights to planed out everything you want on your WEEKEND DAYS right??! WELL, i decided to have a bit of new relaxing spirit in a new hot spot i’ve never been into. My choice goes to ‘PIZZA BARBONI’ which located in Kemang. I honestly got a bit lost at first when i try to find the spot, but gladly i’ve arrived gently.

These are photos you can scroll down and got some useful info …



20151206_142006-01FIRST to remembered!! when you came here, don’t wish to have some waiter/s coming to your table and got them service you by noted your requested of food and beverages, because you supposed to ordered in the cashier on the 1st floor, but you can pay it after thou. Since i’m sitting on the 2nd floor, means I’ve took photos only on the 2nd floor section (sorry about it) ;),, well FYI, its not a big place but a very comfy tiny place with few squared wood tables and a clean atmosphere along with super duper cozy lounge music, it’ll brings you to the homey relaxing mood on.

Based on the ‘name’ of this place, surely what they try to offered is various menus with basic thin pizza bread. Its not only heavy meals but also the dessert are served with Yummy thin Pizza bread!! Price? its quite affordable 😉

20151206_163749-01 (1)Dessert i’ve tried was ‘NUTELLA’, where you can have NUTELLA are applied in a crusted thin pizza bread with few slices of BANANA and WHIPPED CREAM on the top of it!! imagine how your tongue melted perfectly by it ^^
20151206_163739-01 20151206_163324-01 (1) 20151206_162715-01 20151206_153551-01 20151206_143327-01 For PIZZA, i try to ordered small version for each flavors which means i have 2 flavors. the ‘CAPRICCIOSA’ means it contain with Tomato Sauce, Mozzarella, Mushroom, Capsicum and Beef Bacon. Also the half of it was ‘BIANCA’ , which means you can enjoy Mozzarella, Taleggio and Parmesan Cheese on it. You can ordered Olive oil and Chilly sauce if you want 😉 . I can say…. it tasted great!! Recommended to try ^^

20151206_143318-01 20151206_143243-01 20151206_142641-01 (1)You can see,, its not that big space of Cafe, but a very great ambiance they have successfully created ‘that makes it worthies to spent few hours to sit and have your laptop on. They have a smoking area and Non smoking one.

I could felt that young entrepreneur are born very fast nowadays, we can create and do what we wish to do. But how our actions could bring great positive impact to others?? that’s HOMEWORK for all of us that living in this social living planet. Where you responsible to create, share and educated other people. That’s what makes you a useful Human Being. Indonesia are RICH!! Rich with Ideas, Cultures, Knowledge and Resources. #ProudIndonesia# ^^

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Pizza Barboni’s Adress :
Jalan Kemang Raya No.49, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12730

Atmosphere : A

Food : B+

Service : A

Price : Affordable

Parking Area : not much space



Email :





MOM’s MILK Cutest Gateway from A.K



Atmosphere… YEP! its one thing that is hard to get and create!! by looking and by experiences your self, you can tell if one place you’ve visited is good enough to be remembered. Hard to tell but i try to explain in my kind of way guys..

Today i got a sudden visit to Banten, and a friend of mine suggest us to have a quick Zip in Cute Cafe called MOM MILK. Well, this is my first time visit this area and i can say is quite eye-catchy place to visit,, and first time entering the door, I LOVE IT!! lets check out few pictures i’ve took…
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They have around 8 squares tables, with cute wooden chairs. This is a small place with rich warm ambiance i can tell. You’ll suprised by how they gave you various of Milk!!!what i ordered is Coffee.. tasted soft and perfect. the smell of coffee and chocolate mixed lovable! they have more or less 25 flavors with few options of portions. The Price? Guys,, it cost only 20K, and they provide you various of sweet and salty light menu.

What i mentioned before about ‘atmosphere’, is that you can enjoy your meals and beverages while they played out the Jazzy songs, Blues songs,etc.. and the PLUS . this place is smell Freaking Delicious!!! :DD

IMAGINE!! how can you not seat for hours and hours ??????

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i ordered MOM’s MILK BREAD, which tasted perfect! why?? because this bread toasted nicely, soft .. and when you reach the middle of bread you can tasted the butter of milk that blended smooth like sponge, the sugar powder isn’t too makes even delicious! its a must try :))

20151201_163927-01 20151201_171714-01 20151201_171738-01 (1)in this kind of time where everybody got more creatives and born such lot of ideas and build their own brand, its automatically born young business people and many mores. THEY firstly need a place to sit and open their lappy just to have a comfy and sweet peaceful zip of coffee or tea or even a MILK to gathered all the ideas and makes the ideas came true by making a focus group discussion (business could start with a random group discussion among friends), or a place not just to eat and drinks but becames lifestyle that can push the apetite to create something new,etc.. MEANS, i personally glad to see and noticed Indonesia has bring the colors to the culinary business and opportunity to young people to do and create more innovations ahead in facing health competitions. With this, surely its motivate potential young people to keep being creative and in the near future able to open job vacancy to others and makes Indonesia proud to be Indonesia!!

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MOM’S MILK Locations : Benton Junction
Jl. Boulevard Palem Raya, Karawaci, Tangerang

Phone :085779396618

Under Rp. 50.000/pax


———————————————————————————————————Atmosphere : A

Beverage : A

Food : B+

Price : Affordable


Email :




BANGKOK QUICK TRIP ^^ -Lets share experience-


It tooks 1 hour more or less from airport to the hotel.. , we hit Grand watergate hotel at 12pm so we cant enter our luggage yet to our room, but we change our outfit and put our lugagge in the lobby. We directly go out and walked around the hotel. Its like bring the memories back,, since this is my 2nd trip to Bangkok., and we stay in the hotel around pratunam also like what we did sometimes ago. I lovedddd everything in here!! The local people are so warm and friendly.

Always ready for Hat, Glasses, comfortable shoes or sandals and UV Lotions to prevent the hot sunny day…

 We’re get familiar with the area then get back to the hotel for a quick napping and go for nite walked to MBK (Mall of Bangkok) at 7pm. We went there by tuk tuk for around 100Bath.

Quick tips :

~ few tuk tuk have 3 seats and others for 4 seats

~ says a clear destination and go ahead make some bargain over the price

~ the driver will offering you to stop by in few destinations (boutique, factory outlet, temple,etc) first before arriving in exactly destination. Just say NO if you want straight destination, or say “sorry no, we’re starving, no time just straight to (mention where we want to go)” , and last dont forget to say “Thank You (and smile)”. This works!!

~ mind your belongings, as you going to sit tight with one and another while enjoying the road just keep your belonging near to your chest!! Because if you put your bag beside you or even in your back, somebody will stole easily…

~ last but not least,, HAVE A SAFE SELFIE!!

DSCN2010 This TOMYUM noodle has the best tasted!!!!

sour and tasty ^^DSCN2011 DSCN2017 Phad Thai DSCN2018 DSCN2016


DSCN2025 i just loved to see how local people here in thailand always cooked or served best food!!!!DSCN2026 Well you can easily find Massage place everywhere!!!DSCN2030 DSCN2031 DSCN2032 Baiyoke HotelDSCN2036 DSCN2049 DSCN2040

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We have try the street vendor beverage such as Ice Thai tea and Chocolate ice!!, wowWwwww!! Its damm good ^^ its worth the price ,only 25Bath ( around Rp13.000). They just know how to make such lovely quality of beverage even thou in street!

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We’re arrived in MBK,, walked around…

And end up with trying the MCD here lol,, we found few menu that not able in Jakarta, such as Pineapple Pie, Fillet O Fish Burger, ……….. … tasted YummY!!!

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After that we enjoyed our nite walked on oir way to hotel…


After that, we decided to have a walked to the hotel and enjoy night athmosphere. But in the middle walked out, we found some interesting street vendor ,,it just soooo Thailand Style! So we stopped and ate our dinner there… it cost us around 420 Bt.


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24rd May 2015, Sunday

 Hello WEEKEND!!

 10am we go to chattuchak,, 

We go by Taxi and cost around 120bath, it better to raise the price rather than to stop for few destinations, thats what we learned somehow. I can say Thailand have a good Cab, also few of them decored the interior. 

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Finally arriving!!!

I really missed this place…

Nothing much change …

Still crowded as ever and lovely must place to visit and SPENT! ♡♡

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QUICK tips:

~ Prepare few bottles of water or if u run out of it, buy few in chatuchak but wiped up first with tissue. Dont forget to always make yourself drink water every few hours, because you wont notice if you are having dehidration. The weather is soo HOT!

~ Use you UV sun protections, whether you’re man or woman. Use in your face and all over your skin.

~ Get ready of your Fancy Hat lol.

~ Black Glasses is helping, because the sun is so shinning it can make your eyes hurt if you dont wear one.

~ Protect your bag !! It will be a good idea if you have a lock key for your bag to prevent everything harmfull among the crowd.

~ Prepare few small money in a place that easy to grab, because it likely to be happens you will buy ice cream, few snacks, bottle of drinks, etc.DSCN2214 DSCN2215

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As i have posted few pictures in chatuchak sometimes ago, so there are not much to posting about this. We spent more half of the day in here!! Every food and beverages on the street vendor are cheap and delicious^^ ,, for garlic bread it cost 6Bth, for petite stick ice cream cost only 5bth., kebab only 20bath (similiar like Rp 10.000). This time, because its with brother trip so we really spent the whole time here, which really nice! I lobed this weekend market ♡♡♡ ,, they not just sell fashion items, but also there are few local entertainer such people who play traditional instruments, etc.. if we liked, while seing them , we could give them few Baths.

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So Far,,, we walked and walked from 12pm to 7pm in this place!! Hahaha..


And again… when we ride a cab,, the driver offering and try to persuade us to stop in few destinations before arriving in our exactly destination, well it was because the driver already make a deal to few tourism spot,, if they could bring guest they will have bonus.

Quick tips: Say direct about your destination and repeating few times, say it clearly ‘not too fast, because they need to understand what we say. Somehow try to say “NO MONEY SORRY”, only have money to (mention our exactly destination), we’re tired. This way,,Works for me!! ^^

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Monday, 25th May 2015



8.45am straight we went for a quick breakfast near hotel because we like to discovered the Grand Palace!!

  First we havign a breakfast ………….DSCN2270DSCN2343DSCN2341DSCN2335DSCN2328DSCN2277DSCN2281DSCN2279DSCN2343 DSCN2355DSCN2381 DSCN2380 DSCN2379 DSCN2377


~ Mind what you wearing, because its such a spiritual tourist object. Anything should be covered for ladies unless hair, Dont wear LEGGING!!. For Men should wearing long pant and proper shirt.

~ Near to the gate of Grand Palace, there will be a few small stores that sell some fashion items and also offer you renting fashion items like long pants, topwear, etc. From what i’ve seen, they will charge you 30bth for pants,etc. They have it many colors! BUT if you already wear short pants, tanktop,etc that not required you to get entered to the palace, the security in front of the gate will ask you to go to some office near to it, well voilaaa!!me wearing legging at that time, and they asked me to make a line there before entering. FACT i just knew, you will have to give them deposit 200bth (similiar to Rp 90.000) and they borrow me some cute purple fabrics to covered my legging for FREE!!!!! LOL. So its your choice guys,, to rent outside the palace or free borrow inside the gate of Grand Palace.

~ Be mind to your belongings!

~ Wear your UV sun protection, Black glasses and a Hat or umbrella.

~ Please make your self aware to every SIGN or instruction there and try to obey.

~ Wear comfortable shoes or sandals

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Its a huge Palace and there are few museum and a prayer place that makes Video and Photo are forbidden.The museum will show you traditional weapon like long handle knife, long hook, the lance, air gun riffle,etc. I just got amazed with how they take care and maintain very carefully of every detailed, they got dozen of people coming in, yet this place are still beautiful, the Garden and flowers, everything looks perfect in a shaped.

For noted, they always have security inside each of places, that make sure, we obey the rules. Because i saw with my own eyes, there is a security who ask some tourist to put off her Hat inside the prayer room.

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At 2pm, we went to wat pham,, 100bth for the ticket include bottle of water that you can have it at the end of exit door, for me this is such a lovely offer and good example that can applied in every tourist object even in Jakarta!

I saw the Sleeping Budha that looks so beautiful, such an Masterpiece of Art. DSCN2464 DSCN2466 DSCN2468 DSCN2469 DSCN2472 DSCN2473 DSCN2478 DSCN2479 DSCN2483 DSCN2484 DSCN2487 DSCN2488 DSCN2490 DSCN2493 DSCN2496 DSCN2499 DSCN2501 DSCN2503 DSCN2507 DSCN2508 DSCN2510 DSCN2514 DSCN2516 DSCN2523 DSCN2526 DSCN2532 DSCN2537 DSCN2554

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My Sweet TRIP to THAILAND 2014

Late post actually,, But well i guess i found the time to post it anyway 🙂

Bangkok is the capital and the most populous city of Thailand. Like most of Thailand, Bangkok has a tropical wet and dry climate.Bangkok is one of the world’s top tourist destination cities

So i was having Holiday with my Family to Thailand. People said u’ll be dying shopping!!! bunch of delicious snacks on the street and many more,, all with affordable price!!! and guess what…. ITS RIGHT!!! so if you guys wanna have holiday to Bangkok,, please be gentle to empty your luggage lol., or else you gonna buy another luggage to fulfill ur anger of shopping haha..oya Dont forget to try the Thailand Massage ^^ so LOVELY!!

Enjoy along the pictures ..

MY SWEET BANGKOK TRIP 2014 i Really love to have a MILO every morning there, because the MIX it very nicely,, MILO or Chocolate Powder, Milk Powder, Stir it with after Drop some Hot water,, and slowly pour some coconut on it,,and last put some ice cube on the top!!. WoWWW..Tasted AMazing!! and so cheapDSCF4161 DSCF4210View from my Room in Baiyoke Sky Hotel

The tallest building in the city, and comprises the Baiyoke Sky Hotel, the tallest hotel in Southeast Asia and the seventh-tallest all-hotel structure in the world.the building’s height is 328.4 m (1,077 ft), and features a public observatory on the 77th floor, a bar called “Roof Top Bar & Music Lounge” on the 83rd floor, a 360-degree revolving roof deck on the 84th floor and the hotel offers 673 guest roomsDSCF4215 DSCF4218 DSCF4224 DSCF4224KJN DSCF4225 DSCF4232 DSCF4238 DSCF4240 DSCF4265 DSCF4266 DSCF4270 DSCF4274 DSCF4342 i amazed with how local people there are really serious of what they are doing, for example what you have see above, there are so many stores that took place along the street,, but the design it so well. very inspiring!  DSCF4282b DSCF4284 DSCF4290 DSCF4291 DSCF4295 DSCF4298 DSCF4299 DSCF4303 DSCF4310 DSCF4317 DSCF4325 i saw little Mushola among crowded traditonal market in Thailand. DSCF4333weekend market, situated on Kamphaeng Phet 2 Road, Chatuchak, Bangkok, is the largest market in Thailand. Frequently called J.J., it opened in 1982 and covers over 35 acres (0.14 km²), with upwards of 15,000 stalls.

It is estimated that the market receives 200,000 visitors each day.Most stalls are only open on Saturdays and Sundays, though Jatujak Plaza, the western section, is open daily. In the north west corner is the J.J. Mall, with three floors of assorted oddments as well as eateries. The market offers a wide variety of products including household items, clothing, Thai handicrafts, religious artifacts, collectables, foods, and live animals.In June 2008 the Chatuchak Market authorities introduced a complete smoking ban for the whole market, with a fine of 2,000 baht for offenders.

DSCF4337 DSCF4378 DSCF4343 DSCF4344 DSCF4345 DSCF4346 DSCF4348 DSCF4354  DSCF4358g DSCF4359 DSCF4361 DSCF4364 DSCF4365 DSCF4374 DSCF4377 DSCF4447 DSCF4379 DSCF4381 DSCF4382I have tried almost Snack on the street tere in Thailand, beside is sooooo cheap,, it sooo DAmn DELICIOUS!! i dont feel need to go eat in restaurant, because i fulled fast becuase of many vendors on the street. DSCF4383  DSCF4387 DSCF4406Always crowded even already aternoon time… 

Mind your belonging!! DSCF4419 So many Unique places here…DSCF4424 DSCF4434 DSCF4436 DSCF4438 DSCF4442 DSCF4443 DSCF4699 DSCF4451 DSCF4453 DSCF4456 DSCF4461 DSCF4462 This kind of Vehicle could Inspired many people.. ^^ its very creative,and somehow they made a very good and nice herbs of sauce ..yummmy!!DSCF4475 Nigth View from my Room – Baiyoke Sky Hotel – DSCF4477 DSCF4620 DSCF4643 DSCF4644 DSCF4652 DSCF4663 DSCF4664 DSCF4698 DSCF4845 DSCF4702 DSCF4740 DSCF4745 DSCF4774 DSCF4778 DSCF4797 DSCF4821 DSCF4832 DSCF4834 DSCF4835It is very Hot there,, so nothing wrong with bring SPV Lotion whether your are male. Because your skin in Precious. and prepare your sandals,,

Heels ?? Go away! haha..

Here are things you might want to prepare before going to Bangkok –> your beautiuful hat, Extra Bag, Tissue, Black Glasses, Small bag for Passport, Lipgloss, etc

I will post my trip to PATTAYA,, its a really Awesome one !!!

Keep share love 🙂

Peace – Astrie Kirana


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ffHealthy Holiday Eating Tips

1. Never go to a party hungry!
Make sure to eat a good breakfast and lunch (if you are going for dinner).  Grab a handful of nuts, a yogurt or a few pieces of cheese and crackers on your way to the event so that you have a little something to get you through until dinner.

2. Let your eyes wander first!
This way you can scope out the entire table and decide which foods are best!  We often start at one end and finish at the next before looking at the whole table so by the time we reach the end we have an enormous pile of food (and will often finish it because we feel it’s a waste if we don’t!).

3. Watch your portions and indulge appropriately.
Moderation is key.  If you would like to have a small piece of dessert or a drink then make sure it’s a small piece.  Go for smaller portions on your main plate as well.

4. Limit high fat items.
Make sure not to layer on the gravy and watch your butter!  Also, many pastries, casseroles and fried foods contain endless amounts of fat so limit those (or avoid them all together!)

5. Choose lighter options and healthy substitutions.
Choose skim or lower fat options for milk products. Use spices instead of sauces!  This is an easy way to cut calories!  Also, plan healthier substitutions.  Eat grilled shrimp instead of the deep fried versions.  Instead of a loaded plate of nachos try nacho chips and hummus instead!  Better yet, add more vegetables to your plate!  Extra veggies are always the best option in any circumstance to limit calories plus the health benefits are endless!

6. Make sure to eat slowly and chew your food.
This is often hard when you are at a buffet style event but make sure to take the time to savour the food and chew it.  This way you will fill up faster.  Try and sit down away from the table so that you resist the urge to keep going back for more.  Talk with friends and enjoy the meal!

7. If you bake anything in advance freeze it!
If you do happen to have a secret recipe that must be shared over the holidays, prepare them and then freeze them!  This way you will resist the temptation to snack on them before the event!

8. Avoid leftovers when you can!
If you are prone to eat food if it’s in the fridge then kindly offer them to your guests to take with them.  They will be thankful for the gesture and you will avoid snacking on them and feeling guilty later.  If there are tons of leftovers package them into pre-made meals and freeze them.  They will be great for a quick meal or lunch at a later date!

9. Watch your beverages!
There are many hidden calories in drinks – especially the holiday ones.  Try lighter versions of your holiday drinks or don’t add as much eggnog (try ½ eggnog with ½ skim milk) in order to cut the calories in half.  A good option is trying organic juices or spritzers.  They don’t have those harmful chemicals and sugar like regular juices and pops do.  Plus they taste delicious!

10. Relax and enjoy!
Set your guilt aside because it will just add to the stress of the holidays!  If you over indulge, don’t worry!  You will have plenty of time in the New Year to get yourself back on track.  A good way to lessen the guilt is to stay active over the holidays.  Go for a walk to “work off” that dinner or head to the gym the next day for a healthy cardio session.

Just remember that everything is ok in moderation!  Don’t beat yourself up for having a few too many treats or helping yourself to seconds.  Just remember for next time where your weaknesses were so that you don’t repeat your mistakes again!  Take time for yourself over the holidays.  Make sure to eat properly, get plenty of rest and relaxation and enjoy quality time with your family!  A sure fire way to have a great holiday season! – See more at:

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