



3e449da4-8396-4234-8de0-81a2569a0ebcBeen a while not posting any article..

Here we go,, i got a news !!



I notice my pregnancy on Nov 2018, and by that time its already 5 weeks ! Alhamdulillah seneng banget karena jalan cerita masing-masing calon ibu pasti unik ya, tapi pada waktu itu saya seperti mudah merasa lelah kemudian saya dan Bangrif memang sedang pindahan rumah di hari itu, nggak tahu kenapa kayak punya feeling harus beli tespack.. Lalu saya diam – diam membeli testpack SENSITIVE dan mencobanya sekitar pukul 2 siang, tapi hasil di strip ke dua nampak agak buram.. makanya saya nggak berniat kasih tahu Bangrif saat itu karena khawatir belum positive. Nah disitulah saya mulai rajin membaca artikel mengenai hal-hal yang bersifat bagaimana sih menggunakan Testpack dengan benar, dan ternyata lebih baik kalau kita mencoba tes kehamilan di pagi hari pada saat buang air kecil pertama kali, karena urin pada pagi hari cenderung mengandung konsentrasi tinggi human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).


Tips : Pastikan sebelum cek tespack, istirahatlah yang cukup, minum air yang cukup, makan makanan sehat dan positive thingking.

Setelah lihat youtube berkali-kali dan tahu tentang how to do the test with well, akhirnya pagi itu saya coba dengan tespack (AKURAT), WAKTUNYA TIBA….  dan dalam waktu beberapa detik saja sudah terlihat 2 strip yang sangat jelas!! saya mulai bingung, apa harus langsung saya beritahu Bangrif ? well, akhirnya during lunch time i took a quick break from my office to go check to the nearest clinic and they got me positive too (even i cant do the USG test there). So i took a picture of the result from the doctor and send it to Bangrif .. and voilaaa he pick me up from the clinic and got the most beautiful hug ever !! 🙂 🙂


And now it is my 15weeks (late to write and article),, and im so glad to have this on our almost 2 years of marriege. Im still going to work everyday.. still i try to manage everything harmonize since i gottta get used to my body. Karena setiap hari nya badan kita ternyata berkembang lho, banyak beberapa perubahan baik secara fisik dan secara bagaimana kita memilih keputusan tentang apa yang akan kita makan, minum dan terutama waktu istirahat.

Parenting knowledge is never ending knowledge, nggak mudah lhoo karena banyak dengar ini itu dari sekitar setelah mengetahui kehamilan saya. Tapi yang terpenting adalah apa yang menurut kita itu bagus, harus kita contoh. Sekarang ini yang saya lakukan adalah selalu menyempatkan diri untuk membaca artikel positif mengenai kehamilan yang bisa menginspirasi saya, sekaligus mencoba tidak membaca artikel yang membuat kita jadi khawatir.


Semoga yah, buat teman-teman yang lagi menanti kehamilan ingat ya kalau rejeki itu juga dalam bentuk waktu. Jadi kalau memang sudah waktunya, nah itu berarti rejeki waktumu untuk menjalani kehamilan. Buat kamu yang sedang menjalani kehamilan, ingat juga ya kalau Hamil itu bukan penyakit, jadi kalau ada rasa yang tidak nyaman mulai dari ujung kepala sampai ujung kaki, jerawat yang bermunculan tiba-tiba di wajah, badan yang membesar dan masih banyak lagi.. kalo kata kembaranku sih,, itu lah justru kenikmatannya.


Oyah begitu saya tahu mengenai kehamilan ini, saya langsung berhenti pakai perawatan wajah dengan menggunakan cream yang diresepkan oleh dokter karena beliau pun juga menyarakan untuk stop dulu karena takut ada bahan yang tidak aman untuk janin. Jadi ada beberapa perawatan yang saya pakai rutin untuk menjaga performa kulit wajah .. semoga berguna yaah.. 🙂


Mau sharing #beautytips nihhh,
Di masa trisemester 2 ini ternyata di kondisi astrie muncul beberapa jerawat2 kecil unyu
Tapi agak ngezelin di bagian jidad dan pipi,Trus bingung deh treatment nya apah,
Secara harus stop dulu penggunaan cream wajah dll. Jadi kali ini aku pilih produk perawatan dari @mustikaratuind yang #bengkoangmasker. Lovely banget dipakenya,
biasanya pake masker ini sebelum tidur. Cukup oles di wajah trus diamkan selama kurang lebih 15menit, Akan terasa kencang di wajah kemudian bilas dengan air hangat lalu ditutup dengan bilasan air dingin. Trus resepnya memang harus istirahat cukup.. setelah itu kamu lihat deh paginya pasti jerawat agak mereda lhooo,
Kulit terasa kenyel dan halus.. jeng jengg…. ajaib dan bangga dengan produk Indonesia!Coba kalau temen2 lainnya ada atau pernah alamin situasi kayak astrie gini mungkin mau tambahin tipsnya, monggo lho ??

Sebelum pakai aplikasi makeup, aku selalu pakai #wardahhydratingaloevera sebagai ganti primer yang cihuy banget ternyata.Baru tau juga kalau ternyata wardah ini bisa dipakai anytime,bahkan sebelum tidur. Karena tipe kulitku kadang kering kadang berminyak (suka galau gitu kulitnya gak jelas) ternyata memang cocoknya ya sama Wardah Hydrating ini. Awet dipakenya juga karena takaran nya lumayan besar hihihi.. siapa pecinta wardah angkat tangan ? 🙋🙋aku jugaaa !! 💓
Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it..~  #astriebeautytips #bukanendorse

Happy treatment ladies.. Love yourself !!
“What you do, the way you think, makes you beautiful.” ~

       Now im seeking other support system like Pregnant Community, Seminars, maybe someday will join some workout also… so Please guys,, if you have any recomendations for me in Jakarta do text me on comment below yah ..

Coming up article will be post…

Sponteneous Birthday way to Celebrate 30yo !

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Happy 30th birthday to me !!

9 September 2017 lalu adalah ulang tahunku,, yang kemudian dengan rutinnya aku pasti akan berkunjung ke rumah orang tua ku untuk sekedar melihat mereka dan tersadar begitu bersyukurnya aku masih bisa melihat mereka tersenyum menyambut kehadiranku.

Aku coba yah  memperkenalkan anggota keluarga ku di beberapa foto berikut.

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Attar (Keponakanku dari abang ku )

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Ibu ku tersayang…

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Abangku (Mas Wit ) & Mba Isti

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Ulang tahun bagiku bukan lah soal kado atau traktir mentraktir, tapi soal doa yang dipanjatkan oleh orang tua untuk kita dan bagaimana keluarga bisa saling bersilahturahmi. Ciri khas suap suapan juga jadi momen dimana mata dan mata saling kontak dan batin bersyukur.

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Setelah kumpul dengan keluarga, Bangrif dan saya beranjak ke Pasar Festival to spent the night together to Supercup Coffee Shop. Lokasi di Plaza Festival, Lantai Lower Ground, Jl. HR Rasuna Said, Kuningan, Jakarta. Tempat ini buka 24 jam, dan baru tau juga kalau tempat ini menyediakan menu yang gak lain adalah menu dari DIMSUM Inc.

Tau kan kalian dimsum inc  yang ada di mana-mana itu lho hehehe.. Nah disini menu makanan dan minumannya sama lho.

Favorit kita untuk makananannya adalah, Chicken Porridge dan gak lupa makannya dikasih sambal bebek khas nya Dimsum Inc 🙂

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Ice Capuccinno

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Karena ulang tahunku jatuh di hari sabtu, jadi kita memutuskan untuk staycation di Hotel Artotel Jakarta, Lokasinya di Jl. Sunda No 3, Thamrin, Menteng, 10350 Jakarta, Indonesia. Jl. Sunda No 3, Never did this before, but there’s always first time for crazy thing right hihi J . Langsung aja deh aku telfon pagi itu untuk reservasi dan beruntung masih ada available room untuk kita.

Nah aku mau share nih ke kalian, kalau kalian reservation by phone ada beberapa complimentary yang bisa kalian dapat selain breakfast for two, Yaitu ; Dinner for two people, Massage service one hour for 1 person and 2 voucher cocktail or mocktail for two people.

Tentunya kita pilih dinner untuk 2 orang sebagai pilihan hihi , secara kita berdua suka makan.. 🙂

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Kita disambut hangat oleh Lobby Greeter hotel, dan mata ini dimanjakan oleh segala interior unik sampai wallpaper dan atap penuh dengan lukisan artistic. Rasa – rasanya ingin foto di setiap sudut ruangan yang ada disini hahaha..

Bagi kalian yang suka foto – foto, coba kesini deh. Jangan lupa bawa kamera kalian yah..

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Kenapa kita pilih hotel ini ? karena sudah pasti aku cek – cek dulu website mereka, dan aku lihat mereka punya banyak promo event setiap malam nya, dengan harga yang mereka tawarkan dan apa yang kita dapat, itu worthied banget !! Hotel ini strategis sekali, karena dekat jalan utama Thamrin dan dekat kalau mau sekedar ke Mall ada Sarinah, Grand Indonesia.

Kebetulan setelah check in adalah jam waktu makan siang, kami melipir jalan kaki ke sebelah gedung ternyata ada Bakmi GM. Gak pikir panjang si kalau udah urusannya perut hehe..

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Sore hari itu enaknya cari tempat nongkrong kan ya ? nah, aku pilih untuk kembali ke hotel dan coba naik ke lantai 7 karena  ada open air Rooftop Bar disana, namanya BART.., oyah untuk naik lift kalian akan butuh kartu untuk akses. Kalau kalian memang menginap di hotel ini gak akan jadi masalah, tapi buat kalian yang hanya mau dinner aja di rooftop, kalian bisa minta antar kan staff di lobi yah.

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Suasana teduh dan lantunan musik lounge sebagai backsound BART seperti memanjakan sore ku waktu itu, belum ada tamu yang datang karena kami datang jam 5 sore.. pas jam waktu buka tempat ini. Jadi bisa bebas deh untuk foto-foto tanpa harus nahan malu, dan view nya pun begitu sayang untuk dilewatkan.

Kursi yang terbuat dari rotan dengan corak warna hitam putih ini, sengaja diberikan bantalan yang nyaman sekali untuk duduk dan chill dengan kawan-kawan atau dengan pasanganmu loh. Space yang besar dan nyaman, juga posisi hotel yang strategis ditengah kota, membuat view gedung-gedung menjadi menarik di waktu menjelang turunnya matahari.

Di waktu ini lah saya dan Bangrif merasa seperti balik pacaran lagi hahaha..

Kadang memang bukan karena tempatnya juga, tapi karena kita lah yang menciptakan momen itu menjadi momen berharga dan intimate.

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Menikmati complimentary dinner dari hotel gak ada salah nya kan ya hihi,, pada dasarnya dinner disini adalah buffet. Tapi untuk complimentary, kita bisa pilih dari Ala Carte Menu kecuali menu Steak. To be honest all the price start around 60thou for maincourse.. dan Bangrif pesan Nasi Goreng Kambing, aku pesan Fish and Chip with lemon butter sauce and mashed potato.

 I think,, its worthied to stay here and surprisingly you’ll  got these kind of complimentary when you did reservations by phone. 🙂 happy try !

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Sisa malam aku nikmati berdua dengan Bangrif pergi ke Consulate Resto di Jl. KH Wahid Hasyim No. 49 – 51, Menteng, Jakarta. Karena letak hotel strategis, jadi kami putuskan untuk berjalan kaki menikmati keramaian malam kota Jakarta. Tidak sampai 10 menit kami sampai dan bersyukur masih bisa tertawa dan menikmati kekonyolan berdua.

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Morning Time

Alarm sudah menunjukan pukul 8 pagi, kami pun beranjak menikmati buffet breakfast yang tersedia di restaurant Rocca di lobby. Yang menarik perhatian saya adalah, mereka menyediakan JAMU !!! .. tolong ya ini pertama kali nya saya lihat hotel yang turut mendukung produk Indonesia.

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Bangga nya bisa melihat beberapa pilihan jamu tersedia di hotel ini ,diatur dengan apiknya di keranjang khas dan alas Batik cantik yang menghiasi meja. 🙂


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Ingat kan di awal aku bilang kalau hotel ini sangat memperhatikan interior detail setiap sudutnya? Nah ini terbukti dari smoking area yang mereka miliki, lorong ini dibuat untuk orang yang ingin menikmati kopi dan makanan sambil tersedia juga plug disetiap bangku yang disediakan. Penataan warna bantal, Wallpaper unik, Tanaman dan juga variasi tanaman disekitar menjadikan area ini teduh dan nyaman untuk disinggahi.


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Kalian bebas deh kalo gitu, ambil spot pilihan untuk bikin foto juara trus  di post di instagram dech hihi 🙂

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Thanks for reading yah !

Where i got a good good place for breakfasting ?MIDEAST BUFFET (meeteats) !

Ramadhan is a blessing month for all people and its a perfect time to gathered and reunited with old friends, families, beloved one and working partner to have such a pleasant breakfasting together….

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A lot of people try to seek interesting places that offer nice deal of Ramadhan Menu Package or Special Buffet. On the 2nd day of Ramadhan,, But hey,,Here ive tried Buffet at Shisha Cafe Kemang..


Here goes the photos and a bit review of it… enjoy guys… 🙂

When you entering Shisha Cafe,, you’ll be welcoming by live music of Arabic Instrument right before you enter the Resto Area inside….

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Mideast athmosphere are feel so good.. your eyes will satisfy of how they organized everything just in a right place and spot. The light arrangment and the vibe are pampering you enough… The main area which is in the middle are the buffet area. Because is fulled of customers,, i cant took a picts as much as i loved so sorry !!!! 😥 .. but later if i come,,ill make sure to took a pict more of it 😉

The buffet priced Rp 195.000++ ..,,and with that price ‘you can eat all kind of food from appetizer till yummy dessert..i felt like i can’t eat those all only in one day lool.. they’re open buffet from 18.00 – 21.00..from Indonesian food like somay, soto ayam, drinks like es kelapa, es buah, tea..’ Spaghetti, garlic bread, Pizza, kofta beef, Shawarma, Maraq soup, mandi rice, hummus, pitta bread, salad, and many other food that im sure 3 hours are more than enough hahaha……

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Mideast food area is in the middle..

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Amazing Kofta ive ever tried…

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They’re ready to serve you warm Shawarma based on your request..

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Above are Indonesian Food

And what i loved the most is the Dessert of course !!… They have Burmeh, Brownies, Maryam bread, .. and lot of lotsss of Puddings.. from strawberry, perfect tasted of klapertart and many moreeeeee… At least you need to come and try yourself once in a month guys!!!

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Any kind of Tea are served…

All of the waiters and waitress are so friendly and standby anytime you need anything..they’re ready to assist you. The priced are so worthied !! Nice ambience and perfect meals ?? You cant ask for more…hahaha.. satisfy your eyes and stomach at the same time is a very nice deal !! Thanks Shisha Cafe… 🙂

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Tanoura Dance is live every Friday and Saturday.. He start to dance at 10pm

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He will asked random customers to dance along with him, so customers will be able to experienced their self …dance the amazing Tanoura…

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Last but not least,, after you done your meal. You can order shisha for additional pleasure… Have laugh with your friends.. and have such memorable moments …

For Shisha Flavours ?? so far i knew,, this place are provide the complete and best flavours for shisha. You can try and have a good service from the waiters or waitress if you have problem during shisha-ing. My favorite flavors so far till now if i may recommended you  ; Freshness Ice!!! try it on !!!

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So these are a bit clue so you can have options of where you guys want to chill and have awesome breakfasting together with your family and friends.. ill write more on my next blog 😉 hope you enjoyed and get inspired …

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Thank you for reading and Ramadhan Kareem friends ….

HOW I GOT THIS LOOK WITH supper affordable make up tools ??

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3. I loved to start everything by making my eyebrows,,, as you may heard’ eyebrows is like a frame of your face.. So, i start to draw softly … And i pick VIVA pencil eyebrows (everlasting pencil… And cheaapp which result awesomely!!..hahaha). I only use it to draw half end of my eyebrows,,then i fill it with brown eyeshadow.. last, i brush the beginning of my eyebrows. I dont know have any idea whats the name of my other eyebrow pencil,, last time i bought in Bangkok which so cheap and has light brown when i apply on my face.

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4. Next,,, i draw eyecat style for my eyeliner. Why eyecat?? Because ive try many style..and the one that suit me is eyecat style. Draw the eyeliner longer than usual and over your eyes to make sort of wings effect at the end.. it’ll make your eyes pop out and bolt. I always use this style.. love it!! I use Maybeline liquid eyeliner … Why?? Ive tried few types of eyeliners..but end not good result.. maybe not because the products’ it is just because i dont get used to it and got nervous to draw the eyecat style for my eyes…andddd with MAYBELINE’ i loooooveeeee it!! As you can see .. the shape are thin and sharp (on point!!)..anddd soft to apply. At the end,, its easy to clean after the whole activities.. try it!! 😉

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5. Part of the things i love to do next is…, Apply blush on to your cheeck bones..’make sure you apply it on the top of your cheeck bones to make your look even fresh and bright. If your going at night you might want to add a bit countouring using brown eyeshadows to your cheeck to shape the whole face.. dont forget to apply the blush on your chin ok girlssss… So its going to be the whole fresh look.

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6. Then,, i apply black eyeshadows using stick brush under my eyes to create dramatic looks and bolt. Put it on top of your eyes too.. apply it gently (not too much)

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7. At the enddddddds…. I used my fav purple lipstick by LA. Matte.,, Taaarraaaa!!!!!…. Its doneeee….

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8. You also can use a bit shimmering highlight on the top of your cheeck bones.. to give the shinning bright look.. apply it on your cheeks and to top of lips also to nose.. its going to be sweet.

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Ok ladies,,, just pretend the tissue that roll on at the stick of brush is ‘Your Hair’.. so how i make pretty cool curly by rolling your hair to stick of brush.. layer by layer..then use iron flat to your hair.. do it slowly and even it takes time.. But believe me the result is is stay foreverrrr.. !!! hahahaa

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This is the result ………………


Ladies… these is a simple tutorial of how i got this kinda look.. hope you enjoy and see you to my next blog 🙂

Bored ? These are my Fav. 5 Movies for You ! (Recomended)

This May 2017,, i loved to write a blog about 5 Movies i do recomend you to watch !! well, hey after a whole hectic day you must need to release the stress on your head and just watch some movie before sleep right ?? so these are movies you need to watch …

But dont worry im not going to give you only recent movies, i do also watch old movies etc.. so here we goes…



Logan is a 2017 American superhero film featuring the Marvel Comics character Wolverine, produced by Marvel Entertainment.  The film takes inspiration from “Old Man Logan” by Mark Millar and Steve McNiven, which follows a past-his-prime Logan undertaking a final adventure in a dystopian future.  It received praise from critics and audiences, with some calling it one of the best superhero films of all time.


If you see the picture,, i do love the girl’s on action,, this girl are shockingly great! She doesnt speak much and actually she only speak at the end of the movie.. BUT she is having sort of chemistry on her face and attractive look i can say. She do fighting action so well, in this movie Logan are always look stunning even now looks older then before. The whole movie is great and recomended to watch !! i can say its unpredictable movie.. go see it !!


The Fate of the Furious

The Fate of the Furious (alternatively known as Fast & Furious 8 and Fast 8, and often stylized as F8) is a 2017 American action film directed by F. Gary Gray and written by Chris Morgan. The film received mixed to positive reviews from critics, who praised the action sequences and performances, while criticizing the storyline. The film has grossed over $1.1 billion worldwide

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Sometime for this kind of big movie, i do not want to see the trailer first.. so i just jump to the cinema and watch th emovie. Annnnndddd i just noticed there are Jason statham in this movie !! ohhh means this movie going to be super duper greattt!! Many surprising action is always come up in this movie,, the funny gig and all i can say im laughing outloud at almost the end of this movie, i can see the other side of acting skill that Jason Statham has,,..and like always this movie are talking about how important family is. No matter what it is,, family come first! You wont waste your time by watching this movie … 


Boyka: Undisputed

Boyka: Undisputed is a 2016 martial arts film and is the sequel to the 2010 boxing film Undisputed III:  Yuri Boyka is shooting for the big leagues when an accidental death in the ring makes him question everything he stands for. When he finds out the wife of the man he accidentally killed is in trouble, Boyka offers to fight in a series of impossible battles to free her from a life of servitude.


I cant believe my self im watching this kind of boxing movie,, my husband actually picked up this movie.. and turns to be my favourite movie !! it is not like what i expected,, is even great than i expected. This movie isnt all about fighting only,, but its about to put a meaning thru what we did.. is it bad? Is it good ? is it benefit others ? we can apply these to our personal life. This can be a good example for us,, that no matter how we do bad things.. at the end there’s no term “late” of learning to become a good person.. its highly recomended !!!


Enter the Warriors Gate

Epic fantasy-adventure meets martial arts action in this thrilling film written by Luc Besson & Robert Mark Kamen. The summary of this movie is Jack will need all of his gaming skills as he battles to defeat the barbarian, protect a beautiful princess, and somehow find his way back home.


The is a light movie,, i told based on the pictures cover its going to be a bit full of actions and serious movie.. thou’ it is super fun movie hahaha!! The kungfu action never failed me,, but hey guys dont forget to pay attention at the end of this movie there’ll be credit titlle right ?? you’ll laugh on that scene (surprise…surpriseeee…!!) so many good message in this movie,, onen of it is…we need to be best friend first to ourself, then everything came easier..if we believe we can do it and we want to learn.. then it is just a matter of time..  super fun movie !! i love this…


Blood , sand and Gold

This movie Directed by Gaelan Connell . The movie is about When an archaeologist discovers Sir Francis Drake’s lost treasure in the Sahara Desert, it is promptly stolen and she sets off on a global quest to steal it back.


I just watched this movie, and i can say this is a good one to watch.. not so much actions scenes,, but a little unpredictable storyline.. good message on this movie that we can apply in real life. History is the most precious things that we should remember and maintain,, not using it for personal benefit… as so many example nowadays in our daily life.. we sell history rather than to keep and heritage the knowledge for others… GOON ONE to watched !!

So Guys, after this blog.. i start to thingking what kind of TOPIC do i need to write for month of Ramadhan ?? if you have any ideas, go let me know by comment on this blog below …

Thank you for reading,, wish you have nice day and keep spread the love!


My Top 10 Playlist that might add yours

          2016 has released so many great songs by many singers and i guess this year are full with EDM songs, but i will try to share my Top 10 Best playlist where i will automatically sing along everytime i heard these songs. Honestly, it is hard to pick only 10 among all awesome songs this year OMG, but hey these playlist could add up your song list.. so here it is….

1. Ariana Grande – Side To Side ft. Nicki Minaj


When it goes to the lyrics ……

Chorus – Ariana Grande:]
I’ve been there all night
I’ve been there all day
And boy, got me walkin’ side to side
I’ve been there all night
I’ve been there all day
And boy, got me walkin’ side to side (side to side)

Remember this lyrics?? Oh Nooooo !!! i love this songgg so muchh, its like reggae sort of like that..its making me at least sing it and playing up with my head lol. Do you guys noticed the video clip where Ariana riding spining bike while giving her dance sweet moves? I literally imagine doing it hahaha.. me love this song !!

2.DJ Snake – Let Me Love You ft. Justin Bieber


Who doesnt know Justin Bieber anyway ?? ,, i do admire his talent and DJ Snake? Oh dear,  he is the best!,, when i heard this song in the radio and the lyrics goes…

Don’t you give up, nah-nah-nah
I won’t give up, nah-nah-nah
Let me love you
Let me love you
Don’t you give up, nah-nah-nah
I won’t give up, nah-nah-nah
Let me love you
Let me love you
Oh, baby, baby

The way he sing it, i recognized in a second that this must be Justin Bieber.. and i knew the video clip recently there’s no him inside the video, there’s only animation and lyrics. But hey, dont think its wrong,, coz still this songs makes you wanna listen till it done. The way he sing this song got stuck on my head real long,,.. i do loovvee this song !! try listen to it, i bet you’ll sing along easily..

3.James Arthur – Say You Won’t Let Go


His voice is so tender, deep and gently.. man typically voice. First time i heard in the Radio i didnt recognize the lyrics so well, but all i know is the rythm and melody are to well to listen,. And i finally knows this song,, sing by him !! when the lyrics goes…

I’m so in love with you
And I hope you know
Darling, your love is more than worth its weight in gold
We’ve come so far my dear
Look how we’ve grown
And I wanna stay with you
Until we’re grey and old
Just say you won’t let go
Just say you won’t let go

I read the lyrics carefully and Oh MY GOD,,just noticed this is a super romantic briliant lyrics. How come there’s a people outhere who can write this kinda song?! Its almost not like a song, its like poetry and so beautiful. It a gentle feelings that goes on the lyrics.. and thru his voice it captured nicely on ear.. Ladies,, listen to this song 😉

4.Jonas Blue – Perfect Strangers ft. JP Cooper


C’Mon, Jonas Blue always hit the song! I heard the song in the first 3 seconds and i knew im going to love this song like nutz.. and yesss i love the melody and the lyrics are so easy to remembered! .. its a typicall song that you’ll always hear in the Gym, Mall, Cafe and Co-workspace.. and by the way, can you resist your feelings when you hear the lyrics goes..

You were looking at me like you wanted to stay
When I saw you yesterday
I’m not wasting your time, I’m not playing no games
I see you

Maybe we’re perfect strangers
Maybe it’s not forever
Maybe the night will change us
Maybe we’ll stay together
Maybe we’ll walk away
Maybe we’ll realize
We’re only human

Maybe we don’t need no reason why
Come on, come on, come over
Maybe we don’t need no reason why
Come on, come on, come over

5. The Chainsmokers – Closer (Lyric) ft. Halsey


I knew this song when i was in sort of lounge, and listen this song is honestly they have a so so voice, but i dont why i do really enjoy they’re voices and when it came to the Reff…

o, baby, pull me closer
In the back seat of your Rover
That I know you can’t afford
Bite that tattoo on your shoulder
Pull the sheets right off the corner
Of that mattress that you stole
From your roommate back in Boulder
We ain’t ever getting older

We ain’t ever getting older
We ain’t ever getting older

This song is easy brezzy song where you can enjoy while you sitting with your best friend and chill with your beloved,, zip a glass of whatever you want to call your fav.drink..and you can do move and backward you shoulder haha..

6.Rockabye Baby. Clean Bandit ft. Sean Paul & Anne-Marie


Believe me on this, when you listen to the 2 seconds of this song… no way its not attract you at all to listen more. The melody are so tempting and easy to listen…Well, i honestly cant resist my self when she start to sing this lyrics…

She tells him “uh, love, no one’s ever gonna hurt you, love
I’m gonna give you all of my love
Nobody matters like you”
She tells him “your life ain’t gonna be nothing like my life
You’re gonna grow and have a good life
I’m gonna do what I’ve got to do”

So, Rockabye baby, Rockabye
I’m gonna rock you
Rockabye baby, don’t you cry
Somebody’s got you
Rockabye baby, Rockabye
I’m gonna rock you
Rockabye baby, don’t you cry
Rockabye, no
Rockabye, oh oh yeah

The voice so powerfull and the lyrics also good to remembered to be singing back again,, when it goes to the repetition,, no one can handle to not dance along haha.. this is worth the records!!

7.Sia – Cheap Thrills


Sia is never failed in any of her songs,,agree??! .. recently i cant take my head of her song “Cheap Thrills”.. when the song just hit on.. i knew i will always have this song on my playlist .. specially the REFF part ….

Baby I don’t need dollar bills to have fun tonight
(I love cheap thrills!)
Baby I don’t need dollar bills to have fun tonight
(I love cheap thrills!)
I don’t need no money
As long as I can feel the beat
I don’t need no money
As long as I keep dancing

The Video Clip are out of the box and it always like that when it cames to SIA. The Vidclip it shown the lyrics of the song, so i automatically do the karaoke style while dancing to this song.., when it came to Friday ?? go play sing this song..

8.Major Lazer – Cold Water (feat. Justin Bieber & MØ) 


Again…, i proudly said i loved his song of Justin Bieber and Major Lazer..Justin knows so well, that this year is EDM era are back again and he came on track ! freaking smart ..and  again this song has no him on the vidclip.. there’s only lyrics but with the great melody and sweet techno .. music is all we need!!! I do my moves when the song goes…

And if you feel you’re sinking,
I will jump right over into cold, cold water for you
And although time may take us into different places
I will still be patient with you
And I hope you know

I won’t let go
I’ll be your lifeline tonight
I won’t let go
I’ll be your lifeline tonight

9.Calvin Harris – My Way


Calvin Harris ?? all of his songs are best to hear guys. Latest of his song call “My Way”,, his voice are easy to remembered and catch to hear.. admit it guys,, and the lyrics are short and means a lot !! like this one….

Why wait to say, at least I did it my way
Lie awake, two faced
But in my heart I understand
I made my move and it was all about you
Now I feel so far removed

You were the one thing in my way
You were the one thing in my way
You were the one thing in my way
You were the one thing in my way
You were the one thing in my way
You were the one thing in my way

My way, oh way, oh way, oh way
My way, oh way, oh way, oh way
My way, oh way, oh way, oh way
My way, oh way, oh way, oh way
My way, my way, my way

He likes to use repetition on a sentence where it can stuck forever in your head and those sentences are the #Bomb.. applause for master Calvin Harris. Admired your masterpiece !! you do need this song in the sunny day or during your holiday you need a good music tracks on your list dont you !!? 😉

10.Martin Garrix & Bebe Rexha – In The Name Of Love


In the name of love,,, yes are we going to do something in the name of love?? Are we going to sacrifice in the name of love?? All of these questions are gathered in a perfect melody and lyrics when you listen this….

In the darkness, in the middle of the night
In the silence, when there’s no one by your side
Would you call in the name of love?

In the name of love, name of love
In the name of love, name of love

I wanna testify
Scream in the holy light
You bring me back to life
And it’s all in the name of love

Her voice are just so powerful and strong message on the lyrics makes me loves this song! Go ahead listen in random situation, this song going to knock of your day ..

There i’ve wrote my fav playlist,, maybe you can put on your fav playlist here so i can add up more of mine ;),, thank you guys for reading and hope it benefits a bit. Stay in touch, keep the positive mind and see you on the next topic 😉

Wrote by : AstrieKirana


TOP 10 Movies on my Nov 2016


FYI, i dont only watched movie based on recent one, but i do watched everything even it has to be old movie that i never watched before. So, here i’ll let you know of Top 10 Movie i recomend you to watch .. it based on my own version view.., so pardon me for everything yow.. Happy reading ‘



       2014 American thriller film directed by Sam Miller and written by Aimee Lagos. The movie stars by Idris ElbaTaraji P. HensonKate del CastilloMark SmithHenry SimmonsWilbur Fitzgerald and Frank Brennan. At first i bought the DVD,, i surely don movie, maybe its just a light one and not hoping that much. But whooopp whoopp just noticed  the movie was a box office success and received two Image Award nominations, winning one for Taraji P. Henson’s performance. Yeayy !! what else you need from my explanation then ?? haha..

       Anyhow, this movie is again unpredictable for me,.. the message is’ dont let your door open to strangers. Because our good deeds might not replied back as good as what we wish. Another message,, is keep your heart honest to your spouse no matter how long you’ve been in relationship.. trust me guys, WATCH this movie with your beloved.. 😉



         This is a 2016 American superhero movie. The movie is written and directed by David Ayer, cast by  Will SmithJared LetoMargot RobbieJoel KinnamanViola DavisJai CourtneyJay HernandezAdewale Akinnuoye-AgbajeIke Barinholtz,  Scott Eastwood and Cara Delevingne. The short story about a secret government agency lead by Amanda Waller recruits imprisoned supervillains to execute dangerous black ops missions and save the world from a powerful threat.

        To be honest i wanna see this movie firstly first it because the viral of how a lot of  people try to copied the style of Harley Quinn, makes me curious !! i wanna see how she roles the movie.. and really all of the cast plays the role so good. Its a unique movie, why ?? because they try to gathered the whole bad people to fight and win the world over dangerous black magic enemy. Even they had a bad criminal history, but they do have sweet heart to protect the world and even to sacrifice them self.

        Whatever how bad people, if it has to do with family,.. humans will do their best to not disappointed their family (husband, wife, kids,,etc).. thats the lovely message i’ve got from this movie… You go watch this, and see by yourself the amazing action happened in front of  your eyes.


         The movie actually released on 2014, and its about American political satire spy comedy movie directed by Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg. The movie stars by Rogen and James Franco as journalists who set up an interview with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and are recruited by the CIA to assassinate him.

         This is a very hillarious movie ever !!.. i didnt expect it would be so unpredictable ending of story. Althought its mixed between politic and comedy but its makes sense, how those goverments and media are meant to work together nicely. The content is light and silly, but smart at the end. Its wothed to watch, on your relaxing day time with a bowl of popcorn at home.         To show how powerfull you are, it doesnt have to prove it hard. But rewards are comes from a sincere action , honest deed and care others. This is how the message lock in my head from this movie.


 Edge of Tomorrow

        With the Tagline “Live. Die. Repeat” , you should more or less notice what is it all about the movie is ?? well,, its a 2014 American military science fiction action movie  starring by Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt, and  Doug Liman directed the movie. Cruise plays as a Bill Cage, a public relations officer with no combat experience at all, who somehow got ordered by his Boss to go to some destination and witness the crucial landing operation against the aliens. I knew this movie will goes NUTZ,, is when there’s a scene where Cage is killed in combat but he always finds himself in a time loop that sends him back all over again to the day where it all just started. It always happened everytime he lost the battle and die. Cage meet the warrior Rita Vrataski (Blunt), who find out what happened to Cage and together seeking a way to defeat the Aliens.

       What i found interesting about this movie, in reality if you believe in something or you want to be expert in certain skills.. all you need to do is doing it continously with consistency in heart and mind. Everything is matter if you keep do what you belive. Cage in this case are succed in making a strategy and killed the a aliens, because he learned from his mistakes and start to create a new plan to reached the same target with best energy and motivation. You’ll be an expert in such skills, if you dont stop do what you believe. Anyway, this movie is Worth so much to watcH!!!

-Success? Found what you love and do it a lot- Quote by Me regarding this movie…



         This one is, 2016 American dark fantasy action adventure movie. The cast are  Chris HemsworthCharlize TheronNick Frost and Sam Claflin. The movie also introduced new characters played by actors including Emily BluntRob Brydon and Jessica Chastain. The amazing acting from Evil sorceress Queen Ravenna (Charlize Theron) and Freya (Emily Blunt) are amazing.

           Its about how people can be so  greedy over power and it can beat love, and pretend like love isnt important because what matter is how you can conquer the world. Well, its wrong thou.. and you’ll see how beautiful the meaning of this movie. I can see they are all acting so well and again i loved unpredictable storyline… see the suprised over this movie



          Movie in 2016, which is American superhero movie based on the fictional X-Men characters that appear in Marvel Comics. Cast by  James McAvoyMichael FassbenderJennifer LawrenceOscar IsaacNicholas HoultRose ByrneTye SheridanSophie TurnerOlivia Munn, and Lucas Till.

          Like any other Marvel’s movie, it always amazing to see the masterpiece of the series. Because its about people who have power and how if few of them are going to use it to do bad things?? ,, so prepare your eyes with the amazing visual effect and story of this movie..i swear it has wise message, which no one can be compared to others and doing good things always paid back.



         Its a 2016 American horror movie directed by Fede Alvarez The film stars Jane LevyDylan MinnetteDaniel Zovatto and Stephen Lang, and focuses on three young persons who get trapped inside a blind man’s house while breaking into it. Its not actually a horor movie which gave you the visual ghost, but its more into action i guessed. These young people try to steal money from the house and suprisingly a blind man who lived in that house are crazy enough to survive and fight just like a soldier.

         Its a very good movie and breathtaking.. its a pumping storyline, not that simple idea script. Guys, you should watch it !!



      The movie of 2016 British-American fantasy movie is directed by Tim Burton, stars by Eva GreenAsa ButterfieldChris O’DowdAllison JanneyRupert EverettTerence StampElla PurnellJudi Dench and Samuel L. Jackson. One of the reason i watched this movie is because there is Mr. Samuel L.Jackson, and i really curious how he made it in this movie.

       After watched this, i can say that this movie isnt like other funny cute fantasy movie. But full of breathtaking story, its a good visual and idea of story. Smart script and very light to watch.



         IPMAN 3 is the movie from 2015 Hong Kong biographical martial arts film directed by Wilson Yip, the movie also stars by Mike Tyson. The film received positive reviews and eight Hong Kong Movie Award nominations, including Best Film and Best Director, and won in the Best Editing category. It also won Best Action Choreography, Best Director and Best Picture at the 2016 Shanghai International Film Festival. I usually didnt like much kungfu kind of movie, but i do have a good feeling about this movie.,,so i bought it’ and yessss it is a great one! It shown no matter how good you are, you still need to be low profile and down to earth, because nothing good about being show off..

          It is best to watch with family or friends, because other than good action of kungfu, it also gave you insight about how you have to survive and protect your family. Its recomended movie guys..

  • Your truth enemy is yourself – quote by Me based on this movie



3 is the movie on 2015, which casts by Cornelio SunnyAbimana AryasatyaAgus Kuncoro. I honestly didnt expect at the first, but omyGOD!!,, i was about to gave them standing applaused, because the movie is so great. Is really telling about what happened somehow in Indonesia or even other country,, how things can get confused and unpredictable. Political and Believes get mixed up , people almost cant see what is right or wrong.

How we stay on our believe and yet still get blured with all the situations. I never see movie like this before, where the action and storyline is so good to watched. They use Indonesia and English on script, which that exactly we did lately here in reality ?? yes!. The movie makes us think and predict ,,but yet i cant believe this movie succed in surprising me .. i’m so proud how Indonesia’s movie are growing wise and serious. I hope this movie can gave more spirit to other people in creative industry to keep making good masterpiece and inispired world wide.

Notes : i got few informations and correct names of the actors from google to make it more accurates. so hope you like the reviews, and kindly put some comment below to have another ideas ahead. thank you guys for reading.. nice day !!

ShishaTrip !! Lets Go…

Everytime i went to Puncak i always had a habit to look after Shisha place to visit hahaha, cant you imagine with a cold weather and cloudy sky,, your stomach is full enough what else you looking for to chill and has discussion perfectly with friends or family?

So, i here ill make a quick review over 2 shisha places i’ve visited for you to add some ideas if you looking for same stuff like mine. The pictures and info might not goes on detail because i went there for 1-2 hours only and had to go somewhere else (sorry guysss) ..

SO, this place i like to do review is the one called BAFAGEH RESTO & CAFE. I was passing over this place actually and should turn back again to reach the place. When you’ve passed Taman Safari on your right side you almost reach the the hidden paradise LOL…


On the first floor, as you can see they’re provide you few Mideast resto and Supermarket and many of it they had Import Products for Expat, fresh fruits etc. No wonder you’ll see most of tourist here are from Arabs and dont be surprised that they came directly from the Soekarno Airport Jakarta.

bpro0535bpro0537See ??? you see beautiful purple, yellow and many others colors of curtains on the top floor?? thats  my destination !!



You need to use the elevator because the resto is on the 3rd floor,, and when the door open,, you’ll be amazed with the romantic interior tent colors and warm greeting from the waitress and waters. Its more than what i expected from outside the building to be honest. I just knew that this place just opened for 2 months and only has 10 units of Shisha. Well i can say,, its a cool place to visit!!


Small petite elevator…


View when the door open… directly to the reception table..

The waitress and waiter are going to go standby automatically and greeting you with warm and sweet ^^

bpro0501They have many variety of chairs,, couch, and lazy seat. so you can choose which one you pick based on your mood hhaha..


They manage every corner side to the window with such a good idea, every corner design with ‘lazy style’ so you dont need chairs and it has curtain in case you’re with family or on the meeting to keep the confidential moment. Good things about sitting here, is you can open the window !! so you can hear the traffic cars passing by and feels the cold weather …


bpro0497Every Wednesday nite, they will held gambus live music perfomance at night.  They open at 8am to 11pm during weekdays and closed at 1am on weekend.


I love the Arabic music they played in this place, so attrative and good to listened’ even i dont really knew much the translation but its comfortable to eat and have a shisha with their songs as background. Oya,, talking about Shisha,, they had amazingly affordable price for shisha which is Rp 50.000 (reguler shisha) you can do mix 2 flavors on it. Believe me, i had shisha last time for 2 hours and only refill 3 times for charcoal and still tasted awesome!!! I had double apple with mint flavors at that time. It tasted smooth, soft and had big soclod perfectly ( soclod : smoke cloud).

rtyuiopmeePerfect place to have a Shisha with a awesome view (mountain) and affordable one!!



This place, provide you 3 private rooms, in case you want more confidential room. Yes, you know where to go now right?! the rooms its pretty comfy and allow you to bring 5-8 pax. these rooms has no minimum order, so anything you purchased you are free to pick this pricate room.


NOW, LETS GO to other Shisha place …

This is ATEERA  Shisha Lounge, Its say its open 24 hours.. but not anymore, the last update they open in the morning till late nite only. This place takes place before Bafageh Resto & Cafe. Its quite small from outside and only have 2 carpot. But dont be surprise !! they had 2 floors and look down scroll to these pictures…


on the 2nd floor they had red couch with open wide view to the mountain ^^ .. 


The price is much affordable in Bafageh Resto but i can say the Shisha here in Ateera is also good. Its a bit quite at that time, there is no guest and no music at all. But its a perfect place for you who like to visit such a calm place and peacefull spot to work on your stuff.

So, ready for the next adventures on the next spot ?!

Photo and Article by AstrieKirana

A story for my beloved twin sister… (story of us)

Gimana siy rasanya jadi KEMBAR ??



Suka dibanding-bandingin? Suka di sama-samain? Suka dicengin? Atau suka dikasih sebutan gak enak? Banyak banget yang nanya ini itu ke kita semenjak kecil sampai sekarang ini, walaupun rupa kita sudah tidak semirip dulu siy, tapi berwarna banget hidup jadi kembar. Nah perasaan sebenarnya adalah BERSYUKUR … ini rasanya!

Terlahir bagaimanapun itu kita adalah spesial. Tapi kali ini aku ingin bercerita apa yang aku rasakan menjadi kembar dan mungkin punya hal yang sama seperti yang kalian rasakan diluar sana bagi yang memiliki saudara/i kembar seperti saya..

I wrote this Article not for anykind of purpose, honestly its because i felt so glad to have twin sister and it felt amazing to live my life as twins and because we just had our birthday recently. I just wanna wrote something as my gift to my twin and to appreciate what we have going through so far, so many experience, lot of laughing and sweet debating around our life but we always remain as closes sister than before. I can’t buy fancy thing as a gift but this story will remind us forever as how colorfull our journey  is… ^^

So here we go…..



Saya Astrie Kirana (Ira) dan saudari kembar saya Astrie Kartika (Ika).. saya lahir di tanggal 9 September 1987,Jakarta. Mba Ika begitu saya memanggilnya, mba ika terlahir lebih awal 3 menit dibandingkan saya. Terlahir sebagai kembar itu luar biasa anugrah yang tidak ternilai harganya. Bangga rasanya memiliki seorang ibu yang berjuang untuk melahirkan kami. Mendengar ceritanya hingga tahu kalau ibu sampai dirawat inap hampir sebulan untuk kami, wahh bikin hati terenyuh rasanya. Awalnya siy saya gak tahu ya apa itu kembar ?? tapi dengan beranjaknya usia dan banyak orang sekitar yang selalu berkata wajah kita yang mirip, suara yang hampir sama, dll itu membuat saya tersadar kalau saya berbeda, karena saya kembar. Anyways, honestly i just realized that i had a twin sist is when i was around 2 years old, in that age i knew that my mom always put the same dress, same accecories and everything that my sist and me wear so YES,, we’re look like miror to each other.

Kami masuk kelas 1 SD di usia 5 tahun, karena kami tidak terlalu lama berada di kelas TK pada saat itu. Dengan segala pertimbangan yang ada, Alhamdulillah kami tidak pernah tinggal kelas (tidak naik kelas), awalnya banyak yang mengkhawatirkan apakah kami bisa mengadapi kedepannya? Tapi kami begitu menikmati segala perjuangan di setiap prosesnya.

Since teenage girl, i knew that there’s a lil bit different between us. Which mba Ika is a sister with typical of feminin and calm, me? More speaking thing outloud and tomboy. She is amazing sister for me, she always look after me over everything and accompany me wherever i go. I became her shadow somehow.. because i always see what she did and think and i copy that as my routine. I remembered when we like to go to school by bus and she standing in front of me and stop the bus for us so i dont need to stop the bus. Just wait and see.. and when we sat inside it, mba ika keep awake so i can slept for a while before reaching out. I really like this moment for sure and i missed this experienced! Haha..


Nah bagian enaknya menjadi kembar termasuk kami rasakan di usia ini, dimana semua teman – teman termasuk guru hafal dengan sosok kami ya karena kemiripan kami ini dan kebetulan cuma kami yang kembar di kala itu 😉 . Saya mau sharing aja niy pengalaman kami dimana kami harus menjawab ribuan pertanyaan yang sama dan berkali kali ditanyakan dari orang yang berbeda – beda, dan berikut beberapa contoh pertanyaan yang kadang lucu dan lugu yang selalu dilontarkan kepada kami :

  • Gimana siy rasanya jadi kembar?

   Rasanya biasa aja siy awalnya, Cuma pas beranjak besar dan sering foto bareng,, baru sadar kalo punya wajah mirip dan itu bagi orang lain sesuatu hal yang luar biasa. Baru deh sadar kalau menakjubkan juga ternyata jadi orang kembar.

  • Suka keliru gak orang tua manggil nama pas dirumah ?

Alhamdulillah, PERNAH ketuker !! hahaha.. terkadang suara kita bisa sangat mirip, jadi dari belakang gak ketahuan mana Ika mana Ira, apalagi kalau dari telefon.

  • Kalau punya pacar nanti bisa bedain kalian gak, nanti ketuker lagi pacarnya ?

Jelas bisa bedain dong, kan secara personal dan dandanan kita tu beda banget. Mba Ika Feminin sedangkan saya lebih ke tomboy. Jadi radius 1 km sudah bisa ketebak mana yang punya siapa haha..

  • Guru di sekolah suka bingung gak bedain kalian ?ntr tuker-tukeran kelas lagi ?!

Ya suka banget siy, karena kalau guru/dosen kan tidak terlalu kenal secara personal (hanya sekilas) jadi kalau hanya numpang lewat di depan mata beliau, pasti suka salah panggil ^^

  • Sukanya sama gak siy kalian ?

(Jujur agak bingung siy kalau ada pertanyaan ini karena terlalu general), tapi kita selalu jawab..ada yang kita suka sama, ada yang enggak. Tapi kebanyakan sama.

  • Tipe cowoknya sama gak kalau kembar ?

Alhamdulillah, kita punya selera yang berbeda dan hanya kita berdua saja yang tahu hihi.

  • Kalau satunya sakit, kembarannya juga ikut sakit gak sih ??

Nah secara logika karena kami tinggal satu kamar dari kecil, jadi kalau ada yang sakit flu contohnya pasti siy akan nyebar virusnya apalagi kalau saya misalnya dalam kondisi yang kurang sehat juga, pasti ketularan dan efeknya kami berdua jadi sama-sama sakit.

  • Pernah berantem gak siy kalian berdua ?

Jelas pernah dong, tapi gak lama terus baikan lagi.Karena kan kita tidur sekamar gak enak kan cakar-cakaran kelamaan 😉

  • Suka rebutan cowok yang sama gak kalau kembar ?

Untungnya kita gak pernah rebutan cowok yang sama, karena selera kita berbeda. Tapi dulu pernah siy suka cowok yang sama tapi habis itu sama-sama males lanjutinnya haha..

  • Kalian kembar yang akrab apa yang sering berantem sih ??

Lucky us!! Kita kembar yang akrab dan kompak.

  • Kalau satunya sedih, kembarannya ikutan rasain sedih gak ?

Otomatis akan ikut sedih. Jangankan kembar, namanya saudara/i pasti kita ingin saudara/i kita happy kan..

  • Kalau kuliah enak dong satunya sakit, bisa di absenin yang gak sakit.. pernah gak tukeran kelas gitu ??

Walaupun kesempatan itu ada, tapi kita gak pernah siy mencoba hal itu. Pertama kita jarang gak masuk kelas dan herannya gak seberani itu untuk mencoba tukeran kelas dari dulu hingga kuliah.

  • Kalian pernah gak siy terpisah jauh dan lama ?? terus kangen sama –sama kangen gak?

Gak pernah lama jauh dari satu sama lain sebelum menikah. Karena kalau kangen kita kan selalu keep in touch, walaupun 30 mnt sekali kita pasti kasih kabar terupdate lagi apa dan dimana..(udah kayak punya pacar kan? ;P)

So many funny experiences we had start at the age of 14, thank you MOM for your full support and effort to believe in us.

This is my Mom …



For those who still have mother, please be kind to her and treat her like a queen. Because the one that always in her prayer,, is her children. Make her happy and make her proud !!

Since then, we like to enter the same University. We decided to go to LSPR (London School of Public Relations-Jakarta), and so lucky to have opportunity to have amazing time spending here. Bekal yang kita dapat di masa SMIP, membuat kami makin kompak dan makin menyadari kalau kami ini sangat menyukai berorganisasi dan beraktivitas juga berkarya.

Pada saat kuliah, kami tidak menyia-nyiakan kesempatan yang ada.. We’re active in 5 clubs ( News club, Modelling club, Theatre club, LSPR TV club, Radio club).. we both think the same thing, we only learn once and opportunity dont come twice, if we only spent time learn formal educations at school thats not maximize your capability. Spending time on non formal educations will increase your ability in communication to others and build dicipline to yourself. Somehow it teach you how to speak proper to the elder like Lectures and sponsorship parties. It shows you how challenging life could be if you challenge yourself to your best.



Ingatkan waktu bilang kalau kita tidak pernah jauh dari satu sama lain  terlalu lama??

Nah ini niy momen yang awalnya seneng tak terkira karena tahu kalau kembaran saya akan menikah dengan lelaki pujaannya.. dan saya senang sekali karena mereka begitu cocok satu sama lain. Saya begitu menikmati membantu persiapan pernikahan mereka dan gak sabar ingin melihat kembaranku berbusana bak putri pengantin. Hampir 6 bulan persiapan dilakukan secara intensif, Alhamdulillah tiba juga Hari Pernikahan itu. Tgl 19 November 2011,,Senangnya begitu lihat wajah mba Ika pada saat itu, begitu bersinar dan bahagia. Momen Akad Nikah pun dimulai,, dan seketika pada saat momen sebelum lafal ijab kabul,, mba Ika mengutarakan maksud ijin dan restu kepada kedua orang tua didepan penghulu,,pada saat ini lah air mata gak tertahan dan entah kenapa saya flashback semua memori dari kecil hingga besar bersama dengan mba Ika. Semua momen lucu, sedih , kesal, senang, berantem… semuanya seakan seperti akan sirna dan saya merasa seperti akan ditinggalkan mba ika. Seperti saya baru sadar bahwa ini berarti mba ika gak akan bisa tidur sekamar lagi dengan saya, gak bisa pergi bersama – sama lagi dan semua akan berubah. Seakan akan saya tidak siap kalau  saya akan tinggal sendiri dan menjalani sisa perjalanan hidupku sendirian seperti orang pada umumnya diluar sana. Saya tidak bisa membayangkan akan seperti apa bangun tidur gak ada mba Ika dan harus bagaimana?? Mungkin ini terdengar lebay atau berlebihan bagi beberapa orang, tapi ini yang saya rasakan sebagai seseorang yang terlahir kembar.

Meskipun begitu, Saya tetap bahagia melihat Mba Ika bahagia..



Awalnya agak aneh memang, saya harus tidur sendiri dikamar dan bangun dengan tidak ada mba ika.Mulai saat itu aku harus melakukan segala hal nya sendiri. Namun Allah maha tahu, sehingga semua hal dibuatnya mudah untukku. Melihat perkembangan hidup mba Ika membuatku bangga. We still keep in touch once in a while, and until she got pregnant of baby Fadil and born her baby.. she left to Malaysia with her husband and Fadil in the age of just 2 months. Its really like the scene in drama movie,, believe or not in Airport i’m crying over her and seems like i cant imagine that we finally will live far away from each other L.. but time goes on and i sometimes go to visit her once in a while.. She just growth amazingly, Mba ika turn to be a really great mother,, she rise her son alone without nanny or housemaid in Malaysia, and she cooked and literally did everything by herself !!!

Since then ,, we support each other with what we do in our life..



We get more closer even than before, we texted almost everytime and talked manythings.. about how survive in other country and the life habits,etc. Funny things, seems like im aving my new experience as baby born because i start to walk out from home by my own and i start to experience new things on my self. I always told mba Ika everywhere i go, its like giving a report to my Parents 😛 lol. But i did enjoyed the sharing moment we had. Lucu aja,, Saya merasakan banyak hal baru dan menceritakan segalanya ke Mba Ika seperti cerita ke teman akrab. Saya kurang tahu apakah ini yang dirasakan saudara/i kembar diluar sana?? Apa mereka yang kembar merasakan hal yang sama seperti kami?? Atau apakah yang tidak kembar juga bisa sedekat seperti kami ini?? 😉

Anyway, for those who had a same experience like mine,, dont worry because time will heal everything and YES its true! Time will tell you what to do and teach you to be a strong humanbeing. Finally i run my life like most of people which is work and make my dream come true as designer..


These are mba ika do the photoshot for my Shawl Collections. I knew since longtime that my twin sist is freaking photogenic and i love took her pict by myself. Look how shine she is… I LOVED the way she knew her good angle and every pose just perfect. Her support to me is everything, without it i might failed to trust what i believed.

These below pictures are where i try to chasing my dreams and my passion in fashion industry as designer.. every step that i made always got full support from Mba Ika and My Mom. The whole Family support me. Everytime im about to perform, i always called or texted mba Ika to have her prayer and to get my moodbooster..




Photo above when Catherin Wilson (Indonesia’s Actress) wear my dress o Metro TV

After 2 years living in Malaysia, Mba ika come back to Jakarta and stay here. Time goes by and finally im getting married with someone i choosed as my partner in life. Mba ika helped me by telling me many things about life after married and how to face problems during preparation for the big Day. Semua berjalan dengan sangat lancar tanpa halangan dan mba ika selalu ada disampingku menjelang proses akad Nikah, mba ika berbisik kepada saya “dalam hitungan detik kamu sudah jadi tanggung jawab suamimu”…. saya benar-benar terharu mendengar itu dan mengahayati momen-momen bersama dengan mba Ika yang selama ini selalu ada untuk saya.

After 6 years live my life without mba Ika, i got so many sweet funny experience and the day is coming …26th March 2016 i’m getting married with Rifki….




Setelah pernikahan, saya dan mba Ika semakin akrab karena obrolan kami lebih nyambung otomatis karena kami berdua sudah berumah tangga dan saya belajar banyak dari mba Ika yang telah membesarkan anak sendiri tanpa bantuan asisten rumah tangga maupun bantuan orang lain. Kami memiliki mimpi yang sama yakni memberdayakan orang yang punya talenta dan nanti bisa berguna bagi orang banyak. Pemikiran kami makin dewasa dengan pengalaman yang kami miliki masing – masing secara terpisah



Thanks God for giving my life so good and complete.

Kami bersyukur menjadi saudari kembar yang kompak hingga detik ini dan mampu menjalin komunikasi yang tidak pernah putus , hingga kami bisa menjadi yang terbaik dari diri kami masing – masing dan mampu berkolaborasi untuk masa depan yang cerah dan berguna bagi orang banyak. Tetaplah menjadi Mba ika yang selalu berjuang dan mampu menjadi ibu yang tangguh bagi anak-anak. Kelak curahan hati ini akan menjadi kenangan cerita berharga untuk keturunan kita.






Written by :

Astrie Kirana (Ira)

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